Design and Fabrication of a
Remote Control Tumbler Car

As the culmination of my coursework in graphical communications, I undertook a fun challenge for my capstone project. My objective was to deconstruct and replicate an object of my choosing using Dassault Systèmes CATIA V5. After careful consideration, I selected a remote control tumbler car, since I believed it to pose a compelling challenge due to its higher level of complexity relative to previous assignments; However, because of the project's increased complexity as well as my attention being spread across multiple courses, I was instructed simplify certain aspects. At the recommendation of my professor, I omitted the top shell of the car and simplified the design of the wheels. Despite these adjustments, I remained determined to create as faithful a representation as possible.

I began the process by taking meticulous measurements and detailed sketches of each component,  which I modeled in CATIA V5's Part and Assembly toolbox. I ensured that each component maintained a 1:1 scale, accurate to the nearest 0.01mm. Once I was satisfied with the models, I utilized proper constraints to assemble the components and subassemblies into a complete assembly devoid of collision issues.  

With the modeling aspect of the project complete, I put together a comprehensive drawing package, detailing the design, assembly, and functional details of the remote control tumbler car. I paid specific care to showcase the Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing principles that were taught throughout the semester.

As a personal initiative, I opted to 3D print the models to test their tolerances. Following minimal post-processing, I accomplished the production of both a physical replica of the tumbler car along with a digital twin, demonstrating the fusion of digital design and physical realization.