Canard Delta Wing Analysis

In the realm of experimental aerodynamics, I embarked on a fascinating project that involved a comprehensive analysis of the forces and moments exerted on a closely-coupled canard delta wing model. Our chosen facility for this study was the MicaPlex Wind Tunnel, a large, state-of-the-art, closed-return type, atmospheric pressure, subsonic wind tunnel with a 6-by-4 feet test section.

The crux of this project revolved around the execution of multiple wind tunnel tests. These tests spanned a spectrum of flow speeds and pitch angles, effectively capturing the nuances of the aerodynamic behavior of our model. Our collected data was gathered using a Data Acquisition (DAQ) system. We also made sure to account for both aerodynamic and gravitational tares, a crucial aspect of guaranteeing the accuracy of our readings.

Once we had gathered an extensive dataset, the next phase of the project involved delving into data analysis. Here, I employed Matlab, which allowed for a systematic and rigorous examination of the collected data, and enabled us to extract meaningful insights and patterns with relative ease.

The culmination of our efforts manifested in a comprehensive and well-structured lab report. In this report, we not only presented our findings but also provided a detailed analysis of the data we had collected throughout the experimentation process.